Instructor Information for 25-SS-127

Wiltshire, ShariShari discovered stories and fell in love with writing through the musicality of language. She is a huge fan of rap as she believes rappers manipulate English to produce some of the best first, second and third story-acts she has ever heard. Shari first established herself as an explanatory and persuasive writer as a reporter for the newspaper, The St. Croix Avis. She left reporting to earn a master's degree in Social Work at VCU but discovered that this professional training only motivates her to tell more stories. Stories serve the purpose of getting people to pay attention and therefore can be persuasive and empowering. Stories and narratives are the catalyst for change. Shari received a certificate in 'Storytelling for Social Change' and finds her strength in crafting stories from a filmmaker's perspective. Shari incorporates video clips, movies, photography, scripts and monologues into her foundational storytelling course, and she last taught this course at the College of William & Mary's Osher Institute.

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